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Catholic Men Association

Catholic Men Association

The Catholic Men Association, abbreviated CMA is a solidarity group that brings together all practicing Catholic men to take an active role in the process of evangelization in the home, the SCC, the church and the country in general. The group was started in Holy Cross Parish and has grown from strength to strength in our parish mobilizing men to take on different projects for the benefit of the wider congregation.

The Catholic Men Association (CMA) mission is to bring together all Catholic men into a Christian Community where they share God’s Word. They also equip them with skills to help them reach their God given potential as Christian leaders and witnesses in the Church and Communities.

To enrich the society via living Gospel values in the family, church and community.

To promote the family institution through companionship (spouse), fatherhood (children), and active participation in church for the evangelization and sanctification of humanity.

Roles of CMA

  • To bring together and unite Catholic men in the parish.
  • To evangelize the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and defend the Catholic faith.
  • To promote the Catholic faith and religious life among members.
  • To provide means for co-operation among Catholic men and the expression of their collective opinions, views and decisions upon matters affecting Christian morality, family and civic life.
  • To participate in matters calculated to lead to the strengthening of the Catholic Church, including Christian Communities.
  • To promote the education and Christian spirituality of Catholic Men and their families.
  • To promote effective representation of the Association in church, the public and social welfare organizations where such representation will serve the objectives of the Association.
  • To promote healthy social behaviour of members and care for environment.
  • To identify and assist the members of the Association in difficult circumstances; eg the aged, sick, poor, destitute, orphans, HIV infected and affected, street families, widows, single- mothers and others alike.
  • To co-operate and network with the other Church associations, the government and other organizations with similar aspirations.
  • To enhance solidarity and participation of Catholic Men in the Republic of Kenya in the fulfilment of the objectives of the association.
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