All honor and Glory to God the Father who sent us His Only Son to Save us from our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete and companion who reminds us of all that is required of us as Christians. Furthermore, I thank God for the Renewal in the Catholic Church, more so at Bugembe Parish. As we celebrate this web presence, we the members of the renewal wish to congratulate the Parish Priest-Rev. Fr. Oswald Nkyanungi Kakaire, who is also our Spiritual Director; the curate and the entire members of the Holy Cross Team; for reaching this far, and for feeding Jesus’ flock in the entire Parish and beyond. We appreciate the work of the Parish Council and all Christians in the parish for the support, contributions in one way or the other and for some time challenging our faith in order to grow.
As per the five goals of the renewal: Conversion, sanctification, edification, evangelization and integration; the following are the ways the renewal members serve in the parish.
- Prayer meetings are held every Saturday at 4.00 pm at the Parish; every Sunday at 4.00pm at Wanyange; and every Tuesday at 5.00pm at Buwekula centers respectively. During these meetings: we share the word of God, praise and worship God through songs, words and testimonies; intercede for various needs; and exercise the different gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Members lead the choir of 30am Mass every Sunday, in order to enable the church to worship in body, mind and soul.
- Many members serve in the choir for praise and worship, intercession and counseling every Thursday during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to enable Christians encounter their savoir.
- Overnight prayers are conducted every Second Friday of the Month and the renewal take the lead, where Christians have ample time to pray in different ways.
- The Healing Mass held every third Sunday of the month is organized by the renewal for people to experience the healing power of the Lord in a special way.
- Annual Retreats are aimed at enabling all Christians renew their relationship with the Lord.
Dear fellow Christians you are encouraged to embrace all the above programs for nourishing your souls, whenever you feel like because they are free for everyone to attend. During such spiritual encounters we learn to depend on God but also be independent of others praying for us all the time-we learn to pray for ourselves.
On behalf of the Renewal movement at Bugembe Parish; Wish you God’s Blessings and Peace in our Country during this time! May the Power of the Holy Cross onto which, Jesus shade His Blood before our Mother Mary Save Our Country from evil and death!
Mrs. Josephine N. Kigozi
PST Leader (CCR)