It is my joy and pleasure to welcome you all to this media platform that facilitates communication in our Modern world. Where modernity enhances the Apostolate of the Church we must seek and make use of the opportunity. Our Parish is youthful and vibrant but also wise and careful to remain faithful to the mission of Christ. The Mission of Bugembe Parish is to build bridges so that people from all corners of Uganda and the World may come and feel at home. In the noises, worries, isolation and all challenges of semi urban life, may our Parish be a home of Rest and refreshment of our inner life. A quiet place to seek harmony in our activities and refocusing on the priorities of life.
It seems like yesterday that a small group was gathered to begin a new salvation mission in Bugembe. Holy Cross Parish Bugembe is entering its web presence in reaching the lost souls for Christ, and preparing citizens for heaven. We want to thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon our congregation throughout these years of ministry. The impact of the church in the lives of people of our community is tremendous. By the grace of God, we have seen the growth, the transformation and dedication in the lives of our members. The good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for that community of believers to remain in harmony thus far. We praise God for all his goodness and mercy toward our congregation. We remain confident that God will walk with us until the end of the journey.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes toward God and those who have contributed to the success of Holy Cross Parish Bugembe in our community. Special tribute goes to all our former parish priests who accepted the lord to use them for the greater glory of God’s reign in this parish. We thank the parish councilors for the good leadership and above all the parishioners of Bugembe. May the good Lord reward you abundantly! May our Website be informative and educative especially in Christ The Way and Life. Holy Cross Bugembe Parish is our Christian Home, a Tent of Encounter with God.
Happy web presence to all our dear Christians and friends of Holy Cross parish Bugembe!
Please come and share our joy!
Rev.Fr. Oswald Nkyanungi CSC
Parish Priest